Rockport Middle School
Is proud to announce
The Students of the Month
For March 2013
Students of the Month for March 2013.
From left to right: Anna Sampson, Sophia Grausam, and Hadden Roller
Grade 6 student of the month is Anna Sampson.
Her teachers describe Anna as a very conscientious student who puts
forth consistent effort. Anna is helpful
to others and did a fantastic job assisting a future RMS student feel welcome
in our school community
Grade 7 student of the month is Sophia Grausam.
Sophie is a fantastic artist who has a very positive attitude towards
her learning and takes pride in her work.
Sophie’s consistent efforts result in her doing her very best all the
Grade 8 student of the month is Hadden Roller.
Hadden is a very helpful young man who is quick to offer assistance to
his peers and who is diligent in his own work.
to all three students of the month for March 2013! Thank you for making our school a great place
to learn!