Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Spirit Week Day Three Results


Spirit Week Day Three Update! Yesterday afternoon ended with a junior class victory in the volleyball tournament, this gave the juniors a slight lead over the sophomores, but the seniors are starting to distance themselves from the rest of the pack.  This morning belonged to the freshmen as they scored a big first place finish in the class dance competition.  Here are the scores as of 1:00 this afternoon:

Seniors in first place with 730 points
Juniors in second place with 670 points
Sophomores in third place with 630 points
Freshmen are in forth place with 510 points

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spirit Week Day Two Results

Today's events included the "Ramsden Games."  Ramsden Games are an eclectic mix of games, competitions, and contests that challenge each class in a wide variety of ways.  It also served to spread out the points among the classes today.  Dave F. pushed the Seniors into first place by winning the pie eating contest.
As of 1:00 pm today, the point totals are as follows:
First Place: Seniors with 540
Second Place: Sophomores with 510
Third Place: Juniors with 480
Fourth Place: Freshmen with 400

For those of you who would like to see the pie eating contest up close, here it is... Warning, it's not pretty... Thanks to Evan for the video