Rockport is holding its first Annual Toys For Tots Photos With Santa
Toy Drive on Sunday, December 2nd from 12pm-5pm at the Rockport
Community House, 58 Broadway. Admission is a new, unwrapped toy to
donate to Toys For Tots. Cocoa, coffee and sweets
will be served, holiday music will be played, and Santa, who arrives by
fishing boat on December 1st, will be at the event for photos. Everyone
who donates will get a free photo with Santa from Oasis Rockport. This
is our first annual toy drive, and is being
co-sponsored by BearskinNeck.net. Marines will be on hand to help out at the event, along with some
of Santa's helpers. Our website is at www.oasisrockport.com/toysfortots.
We are also
live on Facebook. A feel good community event like this will bring lots
of people together for an enjoyable and festive afternoon.