Saturday, May 31, 2014


Wpi-badge-deanslistCongratulations to RHS Alum Jay Fulmer!

Don't forget Bio MCAS is on Monday and Tuesday of this week!  Get a good night sleep ahead of the exam!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

 Reminder for Seniors: Thursday, May 29, 2014 at 12:30 p.m. is the deadline for ALL Senior Obligations including Class Dues, Community Service hours, library books, classroom materials, and athletic uniforms.  No Caps or Gowns will be distributed to students owing obligations.  Please, please, please recognize this important deadline!!!  

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Reminder that tomorrow Friday, May 16th is a half day. Students will be released at 11:00.  The HS Blocks are A, D1, E1, H.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Electrathon comes in 1st Place!!!

Congratulations to the Electrathon team for their victory on Friday in Connecticut!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Show Dates:
Friday, May 9th @ 7:00
Saturday, May 10th @ 2:00 & 7:00
Sunday, May 11th @ 2:00

Adults $10.00
Seniors, Students & Alum $8.00

The Rockport High School Drama Llamas will soon mount their production of Little Shop of Horrors.  It is the story of a meek, floral assistant – Seymour Krelborn – who stumbles across a new breed of plant life.  As the plant grows, it learns to talk and sing and make promises of unending fame and fortune to down-on-his-luck Seymour.  In return, all Seymour has to do is keep the plant well-fed on human blood!  Over time, though Seymour discovers that the plant is after more than just a meal; this visitor from outer-space is bent on global domination!  This musical, which features rock & roll, doo-wop and Motown tunes, takes a satirical look at science fiction, "B" movies and musical comedy itself. 
Features of this Production:
The RHS Drama Llamas have proudly built their own series of plant puppets to bring the man-eating plant to life.  Pictures with the plant will follow the matinées.

This show is rated PG for language and planticide.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Congratulations to the cast and crew of the RMS drama festival play, "Action News: Now with 10% More Action" for their strong showing at Saturday's festival. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the play, and it received a Silver Medal from the judges. Additionally, three actors were singled out by the judges for their outstanding performances and were named to the All-Star Cast: Ben Adams, Clara Mazo, and Troy Edmonds. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

May 2, 2014

Please allow me to thank the senior citizens of Rockport who opened their homes to members of the Rockport High School Class of 2014 on Friday, May 2, 2014.  On Friday the Class of 2014 participated in our annual “Seniors Helping Seniors” event.
“Seniors Helping Seniors” was an opportunity for members of the Class of 2014 to give back to their community and to say thank you.  The students appreciate the years of support they have received from all of the residents of Rockport.  The students did jobs around the homes of seniors who needed a helping hand.  The students were all over town raking leaves, clipping bushes, putting in air conditioners, replacing screens, and cleaning out garages, closets, and sheds.  Thank you to Diane Bertolino and the Rockport Council on Aging, the Rockport Police Department, and the Rockport Department of Public Works for helping us to coordinate this inter-generational give back event.  Look for us again next year.  Again thank you for allowing the students into your homes!


Philip Conrad, Principal
Rockport Middle/High School